Question: Can One Change One's Stars?
My Answer: I believe that one's stars is a definition that can either mean that you create your own destiny or it is chosen for you. Think about it, was I destined to write this at 10:00 at night when I wanted to get some sleep, or was I doing this because of my free will and creating a path where I can get an A in english 9. You don't get to choose where you are born or what you will be born as, (or do you?) but you do get to choose one thing, who you want to be in life. The question has different meanings for different times, if i had the mentality of a medieval peasant, I would think that my life was to be how it is to be, thus creating a "Status Quotia" which needs to be challenged. Change is the only consistency in life and so that must mean that today as I write this blog I believe that the world is full of opportunities and it does not matter who I was born as, it matters who I am to be. It even says in the bases of religion and in Christianity that one will not be held accountable for another's wrong doing, or status in life. So what had stopped peasants in the time of knights and vassals to take a stand and create their rights? The answer is no simpler than, themselves. It is the classic conflict of person versus self here as if the peasants really wanted change and to be able to create their own lives, and not have them destined for them they could so have done this years before the feudal system by banding together and stopping this tyranny. How do I know? Well if it wasn't for the smart alec who finally realized this and started the people's revolt, forever ending the feudal system I perhaps would not be here and our lives would be lived as our ancestors had for thousands of years, destined before our birth. So that leaves only the questions of why the people had not created their own destinies earlier, for many this was because at some time until the black death and the on going wars the people had been quite content with how they lived. Once again how do I know? Well how would they have lusted for something they did not know existed? Rights were at the time unheard of and the people thought that their knights were their protectors, thus this created a chain of generations presuming they had a very nice life. Change is sparked by problems, revolution is sparked by problems, basically if it were not for problems we would have no change, so that would mean that their would be no revolutions. This granted people the ability to think that their lives were actually not set in stone by a divine god thousands of years ago, but their future was at the hands of themselves and their environment. So can one change one's stars? Well my answer to that would be a straight on no because how would you one's stars are determined by one's actions creating the future, which in simple terms means you have no stars to begin with, you create them and they may tell a plausible future for you but change is the only consistent attribute to this world you can bet on one thing, nothing is set in stone.
Good job first post - Like the tone in your writing - can hear the opinion clearly and it makes for an interesting read. Try to avoid starting with "welll" as it is more conversational and while usually appropriate for a blog context we are also using this to improve our formal writing skills.
ReplyDeleteAs for ideas - I think it is interesting that you say the peasants limited themselves. Given the context they were living within - who held the power of knowledge and how did that play into their belief, or lack thereof, that they could reach "beyond their stars"?
I am wondering what "problem" sparked the end of the feudal system that you mentioned?